Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

The Best Facial For Wrinkles

It is not uncommon for women to be on the look-out for a facial for wrinkles that can make them appear younger. Just look at a local newspaper or magazine and you will most likely be able to find numerous examples of spas, dermatology clinics, and plastic surgery offices that offer various types of facial treatments that promise to make you look like you've taken 10 years off of your appearance.
In our current society, there are many options when it comes to getting rid of wrinkles on one's face. We have Botox, lots of fillers, wrinkle creams and, last but not least, there are a number of facials that have shown promise in eradicating wrinkles.
Some examples include alpha-hydroxy acid peels, glycolic acid and citric acid peels. You can see that most of these are "peels," or treatments based on chemical removal of dead skin cells from the surface of the face. Conversely, other types of treatments physically remove dead skin cells, and don't use chemicals at all.
A facial for wrinkles that is quite new, and has not been talked about on the internet forums or written about like so many others have, is known as the "amber crystals facial." This facial treatment is very similar to microdermabrasion, a well-known physical modality that removes dead skin and has been used in dermatology clinics for years (it's literally like a miniature sandblasting of your face). Dermabrasion is very helpful because it not only gets rid of dead skin, it also unclogs pores, smoothes out rough skin (reduction of acne scars is a good example of this), and reduces age spots.

5 Ways To Help Plan A Healthy Meal | Health care

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Whether you are cooking meals for one, for you and a partner, or for an entire family, the tips below will help you form the foundations to healthy and nutritionally balanced meals, every time.
Ensure there is a routine to meal times. This will help avoid long gaps without food. Allow yourself to have a snack in between meals but choose these wisely. Good snack choices include an item of fruit and some nuts, a yoghurt and perhaps a sprinkling of seeds, vegetable crudités and a dip (such as hummus or guacamole), peanut butter on toast. These snacks all release their energy slowly and will help avoid subsequent hunger pangs.
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Compose meals so that 25% is protein, 25% is carbohydrate, and 50% is vegetables or salad. This composition will help to ensure the steady release of energy, and will help keep you feeling fuller for longer. Protein is essential for the building blocks of many structures in the body. Carbohydrates are required for energy, and vegetables or salad items all provide a wide range of nutrients that are needed for the body to function including vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients.
Choose low fat sources of protein. Good choices include poultry such as chicken or turkey, fish, beans, quinoa, or lentils, as a few examples. These products are all low in saturated fat and cholesterol, whilst many contain healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are necessary for health. Fat is required in the diet to assist with the absorption and transport of certain nutrients around the body. Protein with meals will help to slow the absorption of carbohydrates to help keep energy levels stable until your next meal.

The Vitamin for Natural Hair Restoration

Ever thought about how biotin works for hair loss and for that matter if it works or not? You must have come across numerous vitamins and nutrient for thinning hair and hair loss before, but ever wondered how does a B-vitamin (biotin) stop balding?
This B-vitamin is very essential for your body and its purpose is to support and maintain your metabolism. Even though biotin for hair loss is for those people that have high cholesterol, it is also good for healthy and strong hair.
Hair care experts and doctors highly recommend the use of other special nutrients and substances such as Minoxidil to work with biotin in combination in order to be effective and get better results. In this way biotin effectively works and helps your body to use carbohydrates fats and proteins.
It is found in natural foods. Without this highly essential vitamin your hair will get unhealthy, brittle, and weak and the rate of growth will also decline.
Nutritional yeast, bananas, salmon, egg yokes and liver are the excellent dietary sources that can increase levels of biotin in your body. However, a lot of these foods need to be consumed in order to get positive results from B-vitamins for hair loss. Therefore, in order to get the best results, it is best to search for high quality supplements so as to have control over the correct amount of biotin you consume.

Obesity Can Cause Diabetes

The situation is extremely serious and the entire nation needs to be educated as to what can be in store for them if the proper steps are not taken to prevent this catastrophe. The actual result can seriously impact the lifespan of these individuals by 10-15 years. This disease takes a serious toll on the patients' health. The consequences of obesity can not only lead to type 2 diabetes, but can also lead to heart disease, circulatory problems (especially of the lower extremities), and various types of cancer. The obese individual is particularly prone to fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. It because of the malfunction of insulin, that makes the greater majority of obese persons very much at risk for getting Type 2 diabetes. It is important to clarify this statement by saying you don't have to be obese, but can be of normal weight, or even underweight, and still get type 2 diabetes. A great deal will depend how well the individual's liver is functioning.
The liver is the body's filtering system for fat. The individual with "fatty liver"syndrome may not present any symptoms at the start of the disease until it has reached advanced stages. Individuals with Type1 diabetes cannot make insulin. However, individuals with Type 2 diabetes do make insulin, but unfortunately a disparity in the functioning of their body cells cannot utilize it properly in regulating the glucose within the body. Due this irregularity of the body becoming resistant to insulin, the pancreas needs to produce more insulin in order to compensate for the body's needs, causing the ups and downs that type 2 diabetics go through. The obese individual may be more at risk than those of normal weight because they are more prone to developing fatty liver syndrome. That is not to say that an individual of normal weight cannot develop "fatty liver" syndrome as well. "Fatty liver" syndrome can be caused by many other factors, such as, diets very high in fats and transfats, environmental causes such as various pollutants, chemicals such ads found in many gardening items, insecticides, PCB'S as found in plastics, etc.

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Seven Best Skin Care Tips | rajinikanth health

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If you thought that maintaining a glowing healthy skin needed lot of time and money, you thought wrong! If you have a skin care regime in place, your skin will be looking its best without much effort. With some of the best skin care tips listed below, your skin care regime will not only be simple, but chances are, you will not be forgetting any step in a hurry.
Protect Your Skin
To prevent premature aging and its various signs like roughness, dry skin, freckles, wrinkles and age spots, make sure you have adequate protection in place for you skin from sun. Failure to do so may result in even more dangerous skin problems like skin cancer. That is why, before you go out, apply a good sunscreen, at least 15 to 30 minutes earlier. If you are going to stay for a long period under the sun, then, according to UCLA Today, do not forget to reapply it after few hours. Your dress and accessories should also protect you from sun; so if you are planning to be in the sun for the whole day, wear long sleeved dresses or long pants and carry a wide-brimmed hat on your head. The best skin care option is to stay out of sun from 10 am to 4 pm.
Discard Old Products

How To Boost Immune System

The phrase "Health is wealth" is quite common but not everyone apply this phrase in life. We make use of our body, makes it work whenever and however we want but we never seriously take care of our body's need till we get sick. It's our duty to keep it healthy and take care of our body's need. Immune system is one of most important part of body it does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections. But sometimes problems with the immune system can lead to illness and infection. To keep ourselves healthy we need strong immune system, and that can be done with the help of fruits, vegetable, proportionate water, and exercise. Immune system is very important to keep us healthy.
In this article we will talk about immune boosting tips to keep our body healthy. The elimination or reduction of sugar from your diet can also strengthen/improve the immune system. Air pollution is major reason of hurting system. however that cannot be eliminate completely but less exposures to air pollution is better.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Today where going to take 10 minutes and talk about the effects and causes of hair loss in women. Women as we all know are very self-conscious about the way they look and pride themselves in their overall appearance. So as you can imagine having this condition, can become a very upsetting, daunting and dramatic experience.
A lot of people think that hair loss is mainly associated with men, but in fact almost 40% of women are also sufferers. Although the average age of women it effects is between 50 and 60 it can happen no matter what your age and can even affect teenagers. Below is a list of four of the main issues that cause this condition:
Bad Diet: Your diet and the foods you eat can also play a crucial role. A lot of foods are produced using chemicals, steroids or pesticides which can affect the body, and result in hair loss.
Medications/Drugs: There are a lot of drugs such as antidepressants, amphetamines, contraceptive pills, arthritis medications, and antibiotics that may have side effects which result in loss of hair. If you do take any prescribed medications and they are having this effect on you, please consult your doctor.

How To Make Your Face Glow Naturally

When was the last time you looked into the mirror and thought "wow...I look good" and felt proud of the tone and complexion of your skin? Have you ever met someone for the first time and instantly judged them by their complexion? Or maybe you have a major family gathering or Old School Girls Reunion coming up and worry that your face will let you down?
Chances are, if you are like most women you probably stared into the mirror and noticed all the blemishes, pimples, rashes and uneven tones masking beneath your skin.
Like it or not, taking into account genetic factors, the skin on your face is an indication of your overall health, wellness and dietary intake.
What the Yogic View About Good Skin?
From a yogic perspective, good health starts within. All yogic practices are designed to help revitalise and energise and keep your skin healthy and radiant. From a yogic perspective, true beauty is the reflection of your inner self radiating and touching others. It is the quality of your energy, your vibes which attract others to you.. True beauty comes from within.
What's Society's View About Naturally Glowing Skin?

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

How You Can Easily Defeat Your Depression

You can easily defeat your depression by paying attention to the meaning of your dreams. They contain precious messages that work like psychotherapy. You understand that these messages cure your psyche because your dreams talk about your pain. You feel relieved for understanding what is happening to you. 
I transformed the complicated method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung into a simple method of dream translation. Today, you can simply learn my fast method of instant translation from images into words and immediately understand all dream messages.

The effect the meaning of dreams has on the psychology of depressed people is really impressive. Depressed people who had no courage to live get attached to the dream images, feeling that they have a superior power.
The truth is that the knowledge you acquire for knowing the meaning of dreams really gives you a superior power. You learn what exists behind the apparent image of your reality. In other words, you pay attention to various details that denounce the existence of many hidden secrets.
Everyone in our world wears a mask. This is their 'persona'; in other words, the image they present to the world, which can be totally false (and usually is). On the other hand, everything in our world is camouflaged by an invisible cover made by indifference and superficiality. Therefore, you don't see the truth when you simply look at your environment and at the people around you. You see the cover and its false reflections. 

Tips to Help You Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a very serious, life-threatening condition that must be managed almost constantly all your life. In fact, you should consider it as a new way to spend the rest of your life. One way to do that is to find tips to help you manage your diabetes, with your doctor's approval, of course. In this article, we provide many tips to help you manage your diabetes
Regardless of how long you have had diabetes, there are always going to be questions that need answers and diabetic supplies and medications that you will need. You will want to keep up with the latest diabetes education, research and tips as there might be something new that you can use.
My mother was diagnosed with diabetes a few years age. She had to give herself insulin shots. Be sure you practice good personal hygiene, paying particular attention to your feet. If you use diabetes foot cream on the bottom of your feet and on your heals, it should help keep them from cracking and becoming sore. Put foot powder between your toes.
Being overweight only added to Mother's health problem. So control your weight and if over weight, get it down.

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Skin Care For Women Over 50

There was a time when for women over 50, it meant end of beauty and best days! They stoically embraced the great signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin and dryness. But with advancement of science is every field, and also rediscovering the ancient wisdom of our grandmothers, today there are both natural and medical ways of preventing the skin from turning our worst enemy once we turn 50. Skin care has become easier that before; but it is only effective when done with utmost care and regularity.
When you reach the age of 50, you have to take care of skin in two ways; first you have to prevent further damages or limit the damages due to aging, and also turn some if not all the damages that already has happened. At this age our skin loses elasticity and moisture in a much greater speed and cell turnover also slows down. That is why women over 50 need products that are very proactive in working so that the skin gets adequate protection from sun, moisture is retained and skin regeneration gets a boost. With regular use of such products, you will see great improvement when it comes to wrinkles and fine lines.
The few things you will need for maintaining a skin care regime for women over 50 include facial cleanser, a moisturizer for the day with SPF and a moisturizer for night. You will also need a washcloth while cleaning and washing your face.

Bananas, A Great Snack?

The very popular diet plan I tried prohibited eating bananas, at least initially. I believed it to be because of the sugar content. Now I read that bananas are a great snack and are referred to as a wonder food. I want to sort through this confusion because I really like bananas but continue to avoid them.
Word association with bananas might bring to mind zoo animals peeling and eating bananas or someone slipping on a banana peel. Bananas in the later case are given a bum rap because you can slip on an orange peel or many other fruits. It's just that banana peels are a bigger target and super slippery.
History shows that bananas date back to 2000 BC in the area of South-East Asia. Wild banana plants had seeds and were not edible. The eventual crossing of two wild species led to the fruit we know today. Records indicate that the banana was a favored fruit down through time and now is grown in over 100 countries.
The banana is rated as one of the healthiest of fruits. One source indicated that bananas are naturally radioactive. That caught my attention. The high potassium content relates to very small amounts of a radio-isotope that occurs naturally in potassium. The value and effect of this radioactivity is negligible.

Natural Vitamins For Hair Growth

The Role Of Vitamin
Hair grows almost on every part of the body be it hands, legs, face, ears, armpits, eyelashes etc. However, the most recognized and noticeable of them are the hair which is on the head. Since these are noticeable, the hair on your head is subject of personality, aesthetics and beauty.

Women with beautiful hair are considered as even prettier. It is well said that the men's hair defines his persona. In a way a hairstyle of the person defines the characteristic of an individual. Since the looks are important, people generally take care of their hair as much as they can. In order to make your hair look good, you have to make them look healthy also. One of the ways to have good looking and healthy hair is by taking hair vitamins.
Vitamins That Promote Hair Growth
Majority of the vitamins that are available today promote the growth of hair. If a person has a history of hair loss problem or they are prone to frequent hair loss then they should resort to the use of these vitamins. B12 is among the best vitamin used in this regard. Those who are suffering from hair loss needs to undergo the correct diagnosis so as to know the exact causes of the hair loss and to undergo treatment accordingly.

Natural Diabetes Solutions

According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, 1 in 10 Americans have type 2 diabetes however the predictions are that this number will be 1 in 3 people within 40 years. Type 2 diabetes comprises 95% if all diabetes diagnoses yet it is a condition that is brought on most often by lifestyle choices. As Americans eat more processed foods containing high amounts of fats and sugars than ever before, as well as lead more sedentary lifestyles, it is completely understandable why the numbers of those being diagnosed are increasing at an alarming rate.
Most people who are diagnosed with diabetes believe that all they need to do is take a pill and their troubles will be solved. Unfortunately this way of thinking comes at a huge economic and human cost. Recent medical studies have found that one of the most popular drugs on the market for lowering blood glucose levels, Avandia, also increases your risk of death from heart disease. Other popular diabetes medications have side effects such as diarrhea, excessive gas, and oily stools. However, the real problem of taking these drugs is that they do nothing to address the lifestyle issues that are the sole cause of this disease. To cure yourself of diabetes you don't need drugs, you simply need to alter your lifestyle and make healthier choices.
Even though there are people who have diabetes who are not overweight being overweight dramatically increases your risk for diabetes. If you are overweight I am sure you recognize that losing weight is a tricky and tough business but the best way to do it is through a healthy diet and routine exercise.

3 Ways to Motivate Yourself

When we feel a lack of motivation and inspiration it is very important to find successful ways to give yourself a kick start. By using techniques to motivate yourself on the days when you don't feel "in the mood" you make every day productive. This is especially true for people who are lacking motivation and inspiration for quite some time, causing their personal and professional life to suffer.
The following are three very successful ways to motivate yourself.
1 Establish a Reward System
Like it or not, the promise of a reward at the end of the day is the most used and highly effective method for inspiring people to perform better. It doesn't have to be something big as long as the recipient finds it valuable. For example, promising yourself a long hot bath after a tired day of spring cleaning is enough to speed up the house-cleaning process. When a person has clearly defined life goals and visualizes achieving them every day the burning desire to achieve the goals is enough to be motivated and persistent.

Hair Colour Techniques

Many people colour their hair at home, using hair colour techniques handed down from their mothers. Moms usually know what they're talking about, but they don't always keep up with the latest products on the market. Never stop learning, if you want to stay on top of the newest trends. Here are some pointers on how to get the best out of your hair colour, whether at home or the salon.
Consider Your Skin Tones
Always remember that your skin tone and hair colour work together. If they don't, you'll end up with dark circles under your eyes, or you'll look washed out or sick. Consult with your hair care professional if you aren't sure what to do.
If your natural hair colour is already nice and just needs some tweaking, you may consider just a highlight. They look especially good with two different shades, woven in with your natural hair colour. For a more dramatic look, have one of the highlights several shades lighter. If you put more of the highlights around your face, it will make your complexion look brighter and healthier.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Girls' Guide to Beautiful Skin

As you enter puberty, your naturally smooth, fine-textured skin begins to change. You may notice oiliness on your face, pimples (red bumps that often have a small white center), and blackheads (tiny black dots that are dirt-clogged pores). This is the beginning of acne. Acne is by far the most common skin complaint among teenagers, affecting nearly all of those in the 12-to-17 age frame at least occasionally, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. The condition, fortunately, is as treatable as it is common. Taking proper care of your skin before acne becomes serious is the key to keeping skin healthy and minimizing blemishes. As soon as you begin to notice oiliness or get your first pimple, it's time to make serious skin care a part of your daily life. Memorize these 8 tips and make them your habit and you will have a lifetime of beautiful skin to show for it.
  1. Cleanse your face both morning and night. Always.Wash your face first thing in the morning (like in the shower) and before you go to bed. Use a cleanser for oily, acne-prone skin. Use enough cleanser to work up a good lather and make sure to wet your face well with warm (not hot) water before applying. Do not scrub hard or use a rough wash cloth. Be gentle but thorough to clean deeply without irritating your skin which will make breakouts worse. Be sure to use plenty of water to rinse well and remove all cleanser so no residue is left behind. You can rinse your face with cool water to help close pores. Dry your face by patting with a clean towel. Do not rub, which can be irritating and be sure to change your towel regularly. Dirty towels harbor bacteria.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

9 Super Foods to Keep Your Skin Looking Younger and Healthier

When you eat the right foods you are more likely to assure that your skin is going to be plump, more youthful, and beautiful. Recent research completed in the United Kingdom confirmed how directly our eating habits impact and define our physical appearance. Of the two groups studied, the group of people that ate a diet devoid of nutrients and loaded with bad fats and refined carbs had more obvious lines and wrinkles on their skin. They also exhibited less sheen and elasticity in their skin. The group that consumed a healthier diet, particularly rich in vitamin C, was proven to possess glowing skin and the signs of aging like lines and wrinkles had been substantially lowered.
A proper diet plan can help us maintain a balanced lifestyle in many ways. Because you don't want to have creases on your face or skin, you should know what wrinkle reducing foods are good to eat. Here are nine suggestions.
1. Spinach, Kale and other green leafy vegetables are good as they contain lutein that can help supply the skin with important antioxidant by maintaining hydration and firmness in the skin. Ultimately, you should consume around 10mg or about 4 ounces of dark, leafy vegetables per day.
2. Beans and other legumes are another skin loving food because they are abundant in antioxidants. Among the numerous types of legumes, red pinto beans work most effectively because it offers the top number of antioxidants that assists replace weakened collagen from the skin.

Stress and Diabetes

When you are diagnosed with diabetes you undoubtedly choose to make a variety of changes in your life in order to stay healthy and keep your blood glucose levels normal. Unfortunately there are a variety of factors that can undermine even your best efforts. One of these factors is stress. Stress and diabetes often go hand in hand as you work to maintain normal blood sugar levels; however it is often the stress itself that can put your glucose levels out of whack.
Living a life without stress is nearly impossible. With the breakneck pace of life where family, work and even social obligations can overpower your time and resources stress is a common commodity. Even those in the best of health can be overcome yet for someone who suffers from diabetes the strain can be even worse on their health.
Hormones such as epinephrine and cortisol kick in when we are stressed. Their main purpose is to raise blood sugar levels in order to boost energy levels. Physical or emotional stress creates an increase in these hormones which create increased blood sugar levels. If you are suffering from diabetes stress can cause fluctuations in your glucose levels which can require serious monitoring if you desire to stay healthy.

5 Basic Treatments for Depression

When we speak of depression and its treatments, we must first recognise that there is more than one type of depression, and that each of them may have a different treatment to alleviate the symptoms and possible cure.
Reactive depression is the result of a major life event, where the person physically and psychologically reacts to in an extreme way. The ultimate type of this disorder would be post- traumatic stress disorder, and then a downward sliding scale of symptoms. The best treatment for this type of depression is talking therapy. This can be with a Psychologist, or counsellor, either in a group or one to one setting. Medical staff may also prescribe an anti-depressant.
Endogenous depression is the result of a chemical imbalance in the body. This type of depression is a little more difficult to treat than a reactive depression. Once again talking therapies are required, however your doctor may prescribe an array of anti-depressants in the first instance, so that the person is at a level where they are motivated enough to take part in the counselling.
Post-natal depression can be difficult to treat if the mother wants to breast feed. The medication can be transferred to the baby whilst feeding. Dependent on the severity of the depression the mother may be admitted to hospital, if a mother and baby unit is available, and dependent of the symptoms, its best to keep mother and baby together to continue to develop their bonding.