The situation is extremely serious and the entire nation needs to be educated as to what can be in store for them if the proper steps are not taken to prevent this catastrophe. The actual result can seriously impact the lifespan of these individuals by 10-15 years. This disease takes a serious toll on the patients' health. The consequences of obesity can not only lead to type 2 diabetes, but can also lead to heart disease, circulatory problems (especially of the lower extremities), and various types of cancer. The obese individual is particularly prone to fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. It because of the malfunction of insulin, that makes the greater majority of obese persons very much at risk for getting Type 2 diabetes. It is important to clarify this statement by saying you don't have to be obese, but can be of normal weight, or even underweight, and still get type 2 diabetes. A great deal will depend how well the individual's liver is functioning.
The liver is the body's filtering system for fat. The individual with "fatty liver"syndrome may not present any symptoms at the start of the disease until it has reached advanced stages. Individuals with Type1 diabetes cannot make insulin. However, individuals with Type 2 diabetes do make insulin, but unfortunately a disparity in the functioning of their body cells cannot utilize it properly in regulating the glucose within the body. Due this irregularity of the body becoming resistant to insulin, the pancreas needs to produce more insulin in order to compensate for the body's needs, causing the ups and downs that type 2 diabetics go through. The obese individual may be more at risk than those of normal weight because they are more prone to developing fatty liver syndrome. That is not to say that an individual of normal weight cannot develop "fatty liver" syndrome as well. "Fatty liver" syndrome can be caused by many other factors, such as, diets very high in fats and transfats, environmental causes such as various pollutants, chemicals such ads found in many gardening items, insecticides, PCB'S as found in plastics, etc.
Every individual needs to have a liver function test to rule out any liver problems. If your healthcare provider finds any abnormality in the liver test, this maybe your first indication that there may be a glucose problem as well. He/She will perform several tests to determine if you are pre-diabetic or possibly have full-blown type 2 diabetes. Should the diagnosis show that you indeed have type 2 diabetes, you will have to make major lifestyle changes. We will discuss a few those changes now.
Lifestyle changes to reverse fatty liver will start with eating a proper diet. Do not eat processed foods, as they are extremely high in preservatives, potassium nitrates, many sulfites, FD&C food colorings and phosphates. These are all detrimental to liver detoxification. Do not drink sodas as they contain high amounts of sugar, such as fructose corn syrup. Drink fresh fruit juices and not the store juices as these contain large amounts of sugar. Eat only range free chicken and turkey because they are not treated with artificial growth hormones to fatten them up. Read the label on chickens to make sure they are not given salt baths in order to tenderize them. Reduce all salt in your diet, and you should read all labels to check for salt content for all your foods. Increase your diet with raw fruits and vegetables to add the needed fiber that has a cleansing affect on your digestive system. You must also stay hydrated by drinking up to 6 glasses of water daily. The juices you drink will count as your fluid intake.
Next you must not be sedentary. You need to keep moving and walking whenever possible. You need to start and exercise program you like and can do every day, and stick with it. You also need find time to relax; getting peaceful nights sleep should be part of your program. And finally you need to start a supplementation program to detoxify the body. There are many such supplements to be had. that will cleanse the liver and the entire body and help restore normal function. It may take 30 to 45 days before you can see the results. There are also supplementation products that will aid in relaxation, and relaxation is extremely important. By following the above program you may be able to reverse the "Fatty Liver" syndrome and be free of being a diabetic.
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