Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Health And Nutrition Facts To Boost Your Stamina

There are some basics about health and nutrition that everyone should know but that has not been passed down through the generations. This is unfortunate because it has led to some very unhealthy eating and living habits. Watching TV, for example, is one of those that everyone knows they should not do for hours on end, on a regular basis. But, because of the lack of proper nutrition, many have no energy to get up and go for a walk or life up a 5lb hand weight. With the right nutrition energy levels will surge giving anyone energy they never knew they had.
First things first, processed foods are not good for you. We all know this but they are entirely too convenient. If you want to build your stamina and confidence, you need to make a conscious effort to stop eating processed foods. They are filled with toxins and sugar that will do nothing other than hinder the efficiency of our normal bodily functions. Included in this is the speed at which your metabolism runs.
How fast your metabolism functions is partially based on genetics, but is also based on what you consume and how active you are. Therefore, the more junk you put into your body, the more junk (i.e. fat) you will put out. The more you sit and watch "just one more show", the slower your metabolism will work to burn fuel (i.e. food). Why is this, you might ask. Your body learns your habits. If it does not need the energy to perform daily functions, it won't create it. The toxins are another story. Eating them is like pouring acid on an insect, it is deadly and will stop them in their tracks. Too much of a bad thing - processed foods - will have the same effect on your body from the inside out.

This may sound a bit harsh, but it is reality. There are foods that we have known for years to be good for you and your body. These foods are usually found in a farmer's market or on the outer aisles of any supermarket - fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts and grains, and low-fat dairy products. All of these, in moderation of course, are what your body needs to perform efficiently. This is the knowledge that has gotten lost behind processed and fast foods.
So, it's time to get off the couch and start burning that excess fat that has accumulated on your thighs. Start replacing everything in your pantry and refrigerator with foods that will help you burn fuel. Throw away those cereal boxes and replace them with oats. Toss out those processed fruit snacks and buy some apples and oranges. Using common sense, when it comes to health and nutrition, and not giving in to the convenience of processed foods will give you more energy to live life to the fullest.
If you feel that overeating might be a problem for you, and you would like to put an end to it and get on the fat loss fast track, grab my free 35-page report that shows you how to Outsmart Your Hunger. 

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